A little bit about the music classroom:

In music class students will sing, move, listen, imitate, explore, experience, analyze, classify, create, share, perform, notate, read, improvise, cooperate, and most importantly HAVE FUN!!!! We strive to create innovative, engaging lesson plans which include singing, playing instruments, and moving in each of our lessons. Music is important here at Dolvin Elementary. Studies show that students who receive music perform better on tests involving reading, math, problem solving, and logical thinking.

Chorus Audition Sign ups

Please complete and submit the form below to audition for a role.  You may choose two options.  For audition roles, you will need to submit a video of your audition.  This may be submitted online through edmodo or you can bring it in on a CD, SD card, or a "jump drive".  If you are unable to access a camera for auditions, you may schedule a time with me or Ms. McCurley.  Let's have these submitted by November 22nd.

Please e-mail me if you have any questions. endicott@fultonschools.org